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Thursday 31 August 2017

Another sexy snippet from Tangled Web of Love

Her eyes snapped open. Paul was on his knees at the side of her and was kneading her shoulders.
“Do you remember how good that feels?”
“How could I forget?” she moaned. “You always had the magic touch.”
Silently, he rubbed his fingers expertly over her shoulders. “Your skin feels so soft and supple to touch.” She gave a little sigh of satisfaction, causing the water to stir. Just enough to give him a glimpse of her swollen tight nipples. She knew he would be unable to resist, as he bent his head and placed his lips in the nape of her neck.
Faith caught her breath.
He planted more kisses across her shoulders, to no objection. He slipped his hands over her shoulders and down over the rounded molds of her breasts.
She gave a jagged breath, and then whispered. “Get in with me, Paul.”
Paul did not need to be asked twice, and in a flash, he had his clothes off and stepped into the tub. Her pulse quickened when she saw aroused male muscle. Is this really a good idea? Then thinking of her itch, it seemed to answer her uncertainty, as he lowered himself down into the tub.
For a moment, they sat looking at each other. Paul leaned forward under the water, and his hand ran up her leg until it caught her fingers. Clasping them tight, he drew her toward him. Sensations flooded through her as his mouth closed on hers. As he linked his hands behind her neck, pulling her closer toward him, he sank back into the tub. His tongue swept across her bottom lip and then thrust into the warm heat of her mouth. Her arm reached out, ferreting about on the cabinet at the side of the tub. Paul pulled away.
“Babe, what are you doing?”
“I think I have some condoms in here.”
“Really? We haven’t used those in over a year.”
“We have to; I’ve not been taking my pill.”
Paul let out a deep sigh and nodded his head. “You’re right, better safe than sorry.”
It took a few moments of what Paul termed a “passion-killing moment,” while he protected himself.
Faith entwined her legs around his, and then moved her body so her softness was in contact with the hardness of his arousal.
As she felt him moving below her, his body sliding within hers, her head went back, and the tendons in her neck drew tight. The pleasure grew and grew until they climaxed at the same time.
Laughing and catching her breath, she dropped her full weight on Paul, resting her flushed face on his chest.
“So we are back together again?” Paul whispered, his fingers stroking up and down her back.
Faith sat up, her jaw dropped. Clearly, by the smile of triumph on his face, he thought she would agree.
“Well, the rules were no sex, so I think the game has finished. You’ve made your choice.” Paul’s smile dropped. “Faith, you have made your choice, right?”
God, this is all my fault. I should have never given way to my sexual needs. Faith did not know what to think. Part of her still wanted Paul, but then there was Abel. What if there still was a chance with him? Would she regret not knowing in the future?
“Let’s just take it a day at a time?” Pushing him back down into the tub, she said, “Now, let’s do it again.”

Game & Music Night Suppers 2 - Jo’s Tamatar Aloo (Tomato and potato) With Jo’s Beetroot and Carrot salad.

On a rainy, monsoon games night these two comfort dishes with their warming colours, almost look festive, if it wasn’t summertime in India!  
Quick and easy to make in advance. Just needing to warm up the Tamatar Aloo and serve with the beetroot and carrot salad and paratha.
Jo’s Tamamatar Aloo
2tbsp oil     ½ teaspoon of black mustard seed (sometimes add ¼ tsp of black and ¼ tsp brown mustard seeds      250g potatoes, cubed with skin on      1 tsp turmeric      ½-1 tsp Kashmirilal chilli powder      2 tsp Kashmirial paprika powder      4 tbsp lemon juice       1tsp sugar      250g tomatoes skins on cut into quarters      salt to taste       2tablespoons of chopped fresh coriander (sometimes I change this to mint)
Heat the oil in a frying or saucepan, add the mustard seeds and fry until they start to pop.
       Add the potatoes and fry for about 5 minutes.
       Add the turmeric, chilli powder, paprika and lemon juice. Sugar and salt to taste. Stir well making sure that all the potatoes are coated.  Cook for another 5 minutes.
       Mix in the tomatoes, then leave to simmer for 10 minutes, until the potatoes are tender. Make sure the mixture does not stick, you can add a little water but only a teaspoon at a time.
       Traditionally the tomatoes should be soft but still intact, I prefer my tomatoes to reduce right down. Your choice.
       Next either serve garnished with your choice of garnish, coriander or mint.
If heating up later add the coriander or mint later before serving. Or I prefer to add my coriander or mint so that the flavours marinate in there. Your choice.

Jo’s Beetroot and carrot Salad


 This has to be made a few hours in advance for the flavours to marinate.

 1 large beetroot (Raw) peeled and shredded       2 carrots peeled and shredded

two good handfuls of monkey nuts or however nutty you want it.  

A good handful of sultanas (Optional but goes well with the nuts)

 Red wine vinegar

salt and fresh ground pepper.    

  Literally throw the beetroot and carrot into a bowl, mix in the nuts and sultanas if using.

Pour over enough red wine so that it just soaks into the beetroot and carrot. Season with salt and pepper. Cling film or put into a bowl with a lid (remember the beetroot stains, don’t use your best Tupperware!) leave to marinate in the fridge until needed.  

Sunday 13 August 2017

Snippet from Tangled Web of Love

Get the wine from the fridge, because boy are you going to need it.

Gently she opened the door. The cottage seemed bizarrely quiet as she crept down the stairs. Sighing in relief that nobody was there, she headed for the living room. Finding her shoes and bag where she had left them, she was about to turn and walk away when she saw Paul’s abandoned shirt on the back of the couch. Sadie picked up the shirt, instantly smelling her perfume mingled with Paul’s aftershave. She swallowed hard. Her cheeks burning, she dropped the shirt like a red-hot poker. It was covered in lipstick. Her lipstick.

And then she remembered.

As if someone had pressed a play button in her head, she found herself reliving last night. The touch of Paul’s hands on her naked body; the taste and smell of him all seemed more real now than it did last night in her drunken brandy haze. It had been hot, intense, but this was heavy stuff—last night she’d had the best sex ever. The best sex ever with my sister’s, best friend’s ex. Not even minding his declaration of, “This is so wrong,” as she slid up his naked body after doing that thing with her tongue that had driven him insane. She held no regrets, knowing that when she said, “Want me to do it again?” he had pushed her back down.





Game and Music Night Bhaji’s 1 –Jo’s Vegetable Bhaji

After playing a couple of games of scrabble and a few hands of cards, listening to music and having a drink or two! Bhaji’s are a great quick supper. They can be made in advance and heated up when ready. Serve with a couple of paratha’s

115g carrots cut into chunky cubes but not too big.      180g cauliflower florets          
180g potatoes with skins left on cut into quarter’s        115g green beans cut into bite size pieces     115g tomatoes chopped with skins on                           1-2 green chilli deseeded and chopped           2tbsp oil      1-2 tsp garlic and ginger paste      ½ tsp chilli powder       ¼ tsp turmeric          
 ¼ tsp salt    Water as needed      3 tbsp. Fresh mint chopped
Heat the oil in a large frying pan. Add the vegetables and garlic and ginger paste, chilli powder, turmeric and salt.  Mix all the spices through, so that all the vegetables are coated.
Lower the heat to lowest setting, cover the pan and cook for 25-30mins. Keep checking that the vegetables are not sticking, by adding a little water.
When all veg are cooked add the mint, stir through. Remove from the heat and leave to stand for a couple of minutes.
You can now serve or leave in the pan until needed and reheat. I think this is much better as the mint has time to infuse.