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Monday 21 October 2013

More from our visit to Bangkok


When MR R and I visit new places, we do not head for the tourist attractions, it is the real people of that country, city or town, and how they live their life that intrigues us both.

Walking can only be the way to do this, by exploring those places not on a tourist map or with a guide, I assure you, you will enjoy it far more.  It took MR R and me six hours of walking for two days, to see the real China Town Bangkok. We met some wonderful people and saw things, that would never appear in a travel brochure.

Here are some of the photos I took on our first walking day.

MR. R was so thrilled to find this boxing ring set up under a bridge of a main road.

Most of the side streets have stalls either side, the umbrellas make a welcome shade from the hot sun.

How could I resist that smile when offered for FREE to try a barbecued banana, and yummy it was too. However, MR. R was off chatting up the popcorn lady.

I adore these pink eggs, I have seen black ones in Malaysia but never pink.
A twist on a laundrette. So what do the women say? "Just off down to the corner shop love to put in some washing."  It was really strange, most local shops had two or even three pay washing machine.

Don't knock it until you have tried it, a jelly drink that really quenches the thirst.

Take a load of red chillies, garlic, vinegar, ginger and lime and mush to a paste. Throw in some beansprouts and you have lunch. This was a man's lunch who kindly let me have the first taste. Hot, hot, hot but full of flavour.
In the heart of China Town I was not expecting to find a Tesco, which was great for buying food for our dinner that night.
We finished our first walking day by popping into the railway station.












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